On this Easter, we wish you all the peace and joy that the Risen Lord Jesus brings to each of us. The empty tomb signals to us all that love is stronger than death, and that new life triumphs over the darkness. This past year we all have confronted the evil of the world, we all have struggled with the fear and loneliness and hardship of our lack of contact. But the surest message this Easter is that He is Risen! Life triumphs over death, love triumphs over despair, and our Lord and Savior leads us to the peace we seek.
May this Easter find us ready to reach out again. We reach out to those in need, which you can support at next week’s drivethrough Food Pantry collection. Saturday, April 10, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, we will collect nonperishable food (and monetary donations) in the Saint Mary Church parking lot. We have been meeting the needs of so many of our neighbors this past year through your generosity, and we want to continue helping so many. Watch the parish social media to see what to donate. Join with us to show that He is Risen, and that love overcomes all we fear.
So many have found this year to be a struggle, but so many have found this year to be a return to simpler, family centered activities. We hope in 2021, so many of you, gifted with vaccination, enlivened with the new life of springtime, encouraged by the good news around us can find a way to return to the community worship of the Lord and Savior who brings us this peace, who leads us to love, who makes His home in our hearts.
On behalf of all the clergy and staff of Precious Blood Parish, we wish you the joy of Easter. At Precious Blood Parish, we continue to pray for each one of you, and we thank you all for your generous support. Please continue to pray for an end to this pandemic as we all celebrate this Easter that love is stronger than death, that new life promised in the resurrection is for all. God bless you all.