In the gospel from John for this third Sunday of Easter, the disciples were startled and terrified at seeing Jesus, risen from the dead. They thought they were seeing a ghost. Jesus asks them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” The disciples were incredulous with joy for having seen Him.
Now that so many are vaccinated and returning to worship together, be sure you are looking for Him when you are together, and when you encounter Him in those in need. We yearn for His presence because He brings the life we seek, He offers the life we need. We receive the Eucharist because He feeds us, we worship together because He is present when we do. If your life feels like you are missing something, perhaps it is the living presence of the risen savior found in the bread transformed, in the community gathered.
Know that we worship as safely as we can. Every other pew is still blocked off. All wear masks to protect themselves and others. Hand sanitizer is at the doors. Cleaning is done after every service. I spoke with several parishioners this past weekend who had not been to church in a year. They expressed they were glad to be back, and they felt safe doing so. The best comment for me was this: “I did not know how much I missed being here until I returned, and felt what I had been missing.” My invitation is this, when you are ready, maybe when fully vaccinated, and you are comfortable, come and join us. When we worship together, we all experience what you have been missing.
Jesus promised, “I come to bring you life in abundance.” The life you long for, the peace you desire, the food you need to sustain your life is here when we worship together. We long for your presence to join us again. May the joy of this Easter season be yours as we celebrate that He is truly risen. Love is stronger than death, come and celebrate how much you are loved.