On this Palm Sunday weekend, I share some odds and ends, and some reflections.
First, this weekend will mark the return of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serving at Mass. All who are volunteering have been vaccinated. You may also notice the priest and deacon being in closer proximity, as all the clergy have been vaccinated as well. We will add back in the Saint Michael prayer at the conclusion of Mass, and the missals are returned to the pews. While all the cleaning regimens will continue, if you are not comfortable using the missal, just leave it in place.
This previous year’s Palm Sunday there were no public Masses, and we made palms available at the doors outside. Palms will be available outside again this year. Look for them at the doors as you exit, please do not bring them in to the church. Opportunities for confession this week are Monday, March 29, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at Saint Mary; Saturday 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon at Saint Mary, and 3:30 to 4:30 PM at Saint Agnes. Remember, there is only one Solemn Vigil of Easter at 8:00 PM Saturday at Saint Mary, no 4:30 PM at Saint Mary or 5:00 PM at Saint Agnes on Saturday, April 3. On Easter Sunday there is an additional Mass in the school gym at 10:15 AM Easter morning. There is no 4:30 PM Mass on Easter Sunday at Saint Mary.
All the clergy here at Precious Blood Parish continue to pray for all of you, and pray for an end to this pandemic. This has been a year for many that meditating on the Cross of Christ has also been lived out in families and communities. A wise mentor of mine once told me that you know the Cross is for you when it seems like too much to bear. May each one of us, purified in the experience of our personal crosses, come together to celebrate the joy of the resurrection this Easter. Our risen Lord offers healing and hope, and new life in abundance. May God bless you all.