At Precious Blood Parish, we are committed to creating an environment that best enables our community to fully participate in worship. In the music department, we seek to fulfill that commitment by encouraging participation through the use of well-trained song leaders, thoroughly prepared choirs and instrumentalists, and thoughtfully chosen song texts that reflect the scriptural readings and lessons of the season.
For some, the love of music calls them to be more fully involved in the Ministry of Music. Here, we become a more intimate family that joins together in friendship, faith and harmony to worship and praise the Lord. If you are drawn to give thanks to God for the special gifts that He has given to you, browse through any of our links and find a place where you might enjoy using your talent. We have all experienced the joy of receiving abundant blessings in return for our gifts of time, talent, and treasure!As a worshiping community, we are called to take our part in the liturgy. Just as the priest has gestures and words that he must recite or sing in order for the Eucharistic celebration to be fulfilled, so does the congregation have its own responsibilities of gesture, word, and song. We are here for the sole purpose of praising our God – just as the saints and angels are doing at the very same time with us!
St. Mary Church Music Leaders
We are very excited to introduce our parish's new Music Director and Organist, Mr. Jean-Pierre Dumont!
Mr. Dumont began piano lessons at the age of six, and eventually became an organist when he was thirteen. While in 8th grade, he was the accompanist for the West Haven High Concert Choir tour of Austria, Germany and Hungary, with performances at Salzburg Cathedral , St. Stephan’s Cathedral, Vienna, and the Mathias Church in Budapest!
He went on to study music at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, and the Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford. While at UHart, he served as organist for the Cathedral of St. Joseph. He has been involved in music ministry at several area churches over the years, including Our Lady of Victory (West Haven), Trinity Lutheran Church (New Haven), Holy Infant Church (Orange), where he served closely with Deacon John Hoffman from 1996-2012, and, most recently, St. Mary’s, Queen of the Apostles Parish,(Derby) from 2012-2021.
He frequently is organist for various liturgies at St. Mary’s in New Haven, the home church of the Knights of Columbus, and resting place of Blessed Michael McGivney. Jean-Pierre was one of the organists for the beatification celebration of Blessed Michael McGivney last year.
Jean-Pierre is also a long time AMTRAK employee, with over 30 years in the communication and Signal department. He and his wife Sue live in North Haven, and are the parents of 2 daughters and a son, and grandparents of 2 girls, ages 3, and 1.
A native of Connecticut, Marylyn Mulvey was first place winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Finals. Her appearances with Victor Borge on stage and television have made her internationally known. She has appeared with most of the major symphony orchestras in the United States, Canada, and Europe; including the London Philharmonic, Royal Copenhagen, Winnepeg, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cleveland Symphonies. Her operatic repertoire includes Gilda (Rigoletto), Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor), Rosina (Il Barbiere di Sivilglia), Baby Doe (The Ballad of Baby Doe), and Adele (Die Fledermaus), singing with the New York City Opera, Philadelphia Lyric Opera Company, and Metropolitan Opera National Company, among others. Marylyn serves as Cantor and Soloist for the Saturday 4:30, Sunday 10:00 and 11:30 AM Masses, in addition to Holy Days and concerts throughout the year.
Casavant Frères Opus 3863
The Saint Mary Church pipe organ was dedicated on April 26, 2007, in a recital featuring Ezequiel Menendez and the St. Mary Church Adult Choir. The installation of this organ was a project years in the making and relied on the expertise and generosity of countless members of our parish community. The memorial plaques by the organ loft stairs list over 400 church members who donated to the Organ Fund.
Designed and built by Casavant Frères, organ builders based in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, the instrument is comprised of 2,107 pipes. They are distributed among 4 divisions: the Grand Orgue is placed at the front of the rear gallery rail, and includes a trompette-en-chamade which protrudes horizontally into the room; the Récit is enclosed within two boxes located on either side of the rose window; the Pédale sits at the rear of the gallery, with many pipes so large they lie on their sides; and lastly, the Antiphonal division hangs from the ceiling at the front of the church.
Parishioners who wish to see the organ in operation are encouraged to visit the organ loft after the above-mentioned Masses or contact our Music Director for a guided tour of this magnificent instrument.The organ was designed to be equally at home in service playing and concert settings. The antiphonal division helps to pull the sound together and better support congregational singing in our long nave. At the same time, the variety and disposition of stops make for an instrument that can successfully execute any of the organ’s vast repertoire.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir sings each Sunday at the St. Mary Church 10 am Mass and for several Holy Days and special events from September through June. We gladly welcome new members no matter the level of experience.
The Vision of the St. Mary Church Choir is:
To sing God’s praises in song
To cultivate the talents God has bestowed upon us
To competently lead our congregation
To be an integral part of the liturgy
To be an active member of our community
To grow in fellowship with each other.
The Adult Choir sings each Sunday at the 10 AM Mass from September through June. This traditional 4-part ensemble (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) covers a wide range of musical styles, from Renaissance motets to contemporary Catholic repertoire. Prior choral experience and the ability to read music are helpful but not required. In addition to singing weekly Masses and select Holy Days, this group currently presents 2 extra performances each year: a Lessons and Carols Service near the end of the Christmas season, and a concert in the spring.
Days & Time
Thursday at 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Sundays at 9:30 am - 10 am
Organ Loft
Folk Group
St. Mary Church Folk Group was established in 1986 with the blessings of Fr. Seggel under the direction of Ronnie Pendleton. This group is comprised of volunteers who give of their time and talents in praise of the Lord. Guitars, bass guitars, violins, clarinet, saxophone, flutes, trombone, keyboard, tambourine, drums, and assorted percussion instruments have accompanied the singers through the years.
Performing at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, this group sings contemporary and traditional hymns to enhance the Liturgy. The group has also been called upon to sing at Weddings, Healing Masses, Funerals and various Prayer Services.
Days: Right before 8:30 am Mass on Sundays
Time: 8 am
Location: St. Mary Church
(203) 874-8752
Resurrection Choir
The Resurrection Choir sings at all Funeral Masses and Memorial Services held at St. Mary Church. As these services come up on short notice, the collection of voices changes from day to day, but consists of a core group of generous volunteers who come whenever they are able. This group does not have regular rehearsals, but arrives 1/2 hour before each Mass to warm their voices and sing through any unfamiliar music. Prior musical experience is not required for this group – just a kind and generous spirit and a love of singing.
The word is Latin and means “darkness” or “shadows.” The Office of Tenebrae is a Holy Week devotion that dates back to at least the eighth century. It is a fully scritpural service of psalms, readings, and prayers.
The Liturgy of the Hours, the official daily prayer of the Church, is divided into seven “hours” or prayer times. The first of these, Matins or Vigil (including Tenebrae), is a pre-dawn service prayed in monastic communities around 3:00am. Prayer at those hours is fine for cloistered monks and nuns; suffice it for us to pray it during the hours of darkness.
Tenebrae, therefore, is a night time service divided into three segments called nocturns, each of which includes readings, psalms, and prayers. It begins with the lucernarium, the blessing of light, in which the presider carries in a lighted candle and places it in the center of an arrangement of fifteen candles. The other fourteen are then lit from the single “Christ Candle.” As the service progresses, the candles are successively extinguished until only the Christ Candle remains lit. The first nocturn includes the chanting of the Lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah. Each of the lamentations begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Following the chanting of Psalm 51 in a monotone, the Christ Candle is removed, all other lights are extinguished and the strepitus, or loud noise, is heard, signifying the closing of the tomb and the earthquake on the morning of the resurrection. The Christ Candle is returned to its stand in anticipation of Easter and after the final prayer, all leave in silence.
Our celebration of Tenebrae on Wednesday of Holy Week brings to a close our parish observance of Lent. We will gather for Morning Prayer (Lauds) on Holy Thursday and begin the Sacred Triduum with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper that evening, followed by a solemn procession carrying the Eucharist for Good Friday’s communion to a suitable place of repose, where we will be invited to keep watch in prayer and adoration.
St. Mary Church
Date: April 5, 2023
Time: 7:30 pm
Precious Blood Parish Music Director & Organist
Jean-Pierre Dumont
(203) 878-3571
Marylyn Mulvey
(203) 878-9602
April 2021