On this weekend before Christmas, we wish all our parishioners a happy, holy, and blessed Christmas and all God’s blessings for the new year. We hope if you are traveling that your travels are safe, and that all who are traveling to you are safe as well.
As the new year begins, the weekend of January 5 and 6 begins the revised weekend Mass schedule. Registered parishioners should have received a magnet with the new schedule in the mail. If you have not received one, there are some available. We will get one to you if you call and request it. Or stop after Mass and ask for one at the sacristy, some are available there.
Religious Education is on break until January 27 and 28. We will email reminders of when classes begin again. We are pleased that so many of you have enrolled your children in our classes, we have more than one hundred additional students compared to last year. Including our school, we are educating almost twelve-hundred students in our programs. This is a hope filled sign of a vibrant parish.
We have received many responses from our parish survey. You have until January 7, 2019 to return your survey and have it included in our results. We will publish the results of the survey in the early spring, and schedule an evening to discuss the results with any interested parishioners. Thanks to the many who have already responded. If you have not yet responded, you can drop yours in the collection basket, or mail it to the parish.
Thanks once again to all who are supportive of our parish of Precious Blood. We appreciate your prayers and kindnesses throughout the year. Your generosity as parishioners is gratifying, and allows us to do all we can to better serve your needs. May God bless you all in this Christmas.