Epiphany Message for 2019

The Wise Men from the East could not remain comfortable with their surroundings and still see the star that pointed the way to the Messiah. The new born king is only found by those who can look beyond themselves, and know that there is truth to be discovered in taking a risk. We marvel at the great lengths that God will travel to make himself known to us, to show himself to us again and again.

We could see clearly that the light of the star still draws us to Him, as so many joined us for one of the Christmas services. More than double the usual number attended Mass, and it was gratifying to see. It is good to know that so many are drawn to His presence, and make worshipping together part and parcel of their Christmas celebration. Know that all our prayers will continue that our parish will reflect His presence with us, and will be a beacon of light inviting any who are searching to come and find Him with us.

This weekend is the first with the new Mass schedule. If you see new faces at Mass with you, make sure to greet them and make them feel welcomed. Change is never easy, and a smile and a warm heart can make change so much easier. New schedules for lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have been sent. If you have not received yours, you can pick up a copy in the sacristy.

Wishing all of you His peace in this New Year. May all God’s blessings be evident in your family and friends, and may your heart be filled with His love.

