Reflections for Advent 2018
By now, all registered parishioners have received by mail the Advent/Christmas schedule for Masses, Confessions, and events. It includes a magnet with the schedule of Masses that begins in January 2019 (as they are changing), and a survey concerning the life of the parish. If you have not received this mailer, either you are not a registered parishioner, or the present address we have for you is incorrect. To correct this, please call the rectory, 203-878-3571, or email at If you would like to register, you may do so through the parish website. Under the listing Parish Life, scroll down to “Register as a New Parishioner”. Fill out the form, and attach it to an email, and send to the above address.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for Lesson and Carols, next Sunday, December 16, at 2:00 PM at Saint Agnes Church. Plan to take time for yourself, and reflect on the coming of the Christ child we anticipate all during Advent. Join us for scripture, song, and prayer.
Thanks to all who have contributed to the Annual Fund this year, your generosity is appreciated. A special thanks to all who volunteer and support the many holiday activities associated with our parish, especially the activities that reach out to the poor among us. As we are graced with the presence of the Incarnate God each day, and are nourished by Him in the Eucharist, may each one of us strive to make His presence known by our actions, our prayers, and our worship together. Be assured that if you have not à of all in our parish.
My prayer for each of you is that the hectic nature of the season will not diminish the joy that His presence among us can and does bring. May you find His peace in your heart, and know you are graced in your journey by His companionship.