November is the month of remembrance of those who have died. You will see envelopes on each of the church altars for all those who have asked to have loved ones remembered. All are reminded that if you wish, Masses are available to specifically remember someone, and to pray especially for the salvation of their soul. Call the rectory during regular hours to accomplish this.
Last request for anyone seeking to become a lector for our parish, please contact Deacon John for training opportunities and to be placed on the schedule for the new year. All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are reminded to return their forms to Deacon John this week.
Reminding all parishioners that the new Mass schedule goes into effect the first weekend of January, 2019. We will include this new schedule in the Christmas mailer so all who are registered will have a copy to refer to.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018, at 7:00 PM, we will be hosting the Milford Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at Saint Mary Church. Come and join us for an evening of prayer, song, and thanksgiving for all our gifts. The goodwill collection taken that evening will benefit Milford Food 2 Kids, whose mission is to feed local school children who have little or no food resources during the weekend away from school. Several of our parishioners are volunteers with this organization, helping in their good work.
Thanks to all who have contributed so far in the annual fund collection for our parish. If you still wish to contribute, just drop in the collection basket on the weekend, or mail your offering to the rectory. All of your generosity is appreciated, and allows us to continue to provide for the needs of our aging physical plants on both campuses.
This Sunday evening, November 11, at Saint Anne Church on Naugatuck Avenue, our ninth and tenth grade religious education students are attending the Father Rob Galea concert for the Catholic youth of the area. Bring your permission slip with you if you have not handed it in already, and see Deacon John at the door for your ticket. Looking forward to seeing you there!