First of all, congratulations to the nearly 70 young men and women who were confirmed by Bishop Peter Rosazza this past Saturday morning. Their presence as newly confirmed Catholics of Precious Blood Parish should serve to inspire us all. Our prayers are that the Holy Spirit continue to guide them, to strengthen them, and lead them to be confident Catholics, who witness to their faith in all they do.

This coming Thursday, November 1, is the Feast of All Saints. Note there is no vigil Mass at either Church. Please check this bulletin for the Mass schedule for the Holy Day. November 2 is the feast of All Souls, and there are envelopes at the doors of the Church if you would like to have a loved one remembered. Simply fill out the envelope and returnit; the envelopes will be on the altar in each Churchfor the month of November.

Recently, the sixth, seventh, and eight graders of our school had two retreat days with Deacon John and Coach Mobilio (our physical education teacher). The days focused on being physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy as we grow. Around 100 young people spent time in reflection and prayer, and all of you are supporting activities like this. Thanks to our parishioners for their continued support.

We are planning an offering for adults concentrating on “end of life” issues. We plan to have speakers on elder care, proper palliative care, how to make plans for funerals, and how to manage family dynamics in various stages of grief. Watch for details to follow soon. If you would like to be part of any presentation on this adult information event, please contact Deacon John. My contact information is on the front of the bulletin.

Beginning in January, we will be in need of some new lectors. If being a reader at Mass is of interest to you, and you might consider being part of this important ministry, please contact Deacon John for information.

