As we move into October, here are some thoughts that may apply to some of you, or to someone you know. If you are married, but not married in the Catholic Church, and would like to explore the possibility of having your marriage validated as sacramental (blessed), please contact Father Donahue or Deacon John for information. Marriage in God’s plan has Christ as the center of the marriage. We may be able to help you formalize this for your marriage. Just call or email.
If you know of someone who is not baptized, or baptized in another faith and would like to become Catholic, they would be a candidate for RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We will begin the RCIA process soon, and you should contact Deacon John with a call or email to explore if you are a candidate.
This weekend, we are beginning to recite the Prayer to Saint Michael before the dismissal at Mass. This is a small recognition that we know evil exists, and we need God’s help to stay safe from all evil. This is a practice that will continue each time we celebrate Eucharist. On Fridays following the 9:00 AM Mass at Saint Agnes Church, we will have an hour of Eucharistic Adoration. This will include recitation of the rosary. Please plan to join us when you can for an hour of prayer and quiet adoration, where you can bring to God all your needs, and join us in prayer for the needs of the Church.
Many thanks to all who helped with this year’s carnival which supports our school. It was great to see so many of our parishioners there, and we were blessed with great weather. Our nearly 400 children in our school and their families are grateful for this continued parish support.
The Precious Blood Ladies Guild kicked off their new year with Mass and a pot luck supper. Thanks to all the ladies who worked so hard to make this coming together as a new guild happen.