Thanksgiving approaches this week, and all are invited to join us for the annual Milford Interfaith Service here at Saint Mary Church of Precious Blood Parish. It will be held on Tuesday, November 21, at 7:00 PM. This is a marvelous way to begin your Thanksgiving holiday, joining with your friends and neighbors of Milford to express thanks to God for all God has done for us.

Here at Precious Blood Parish we are thankful for our generous parishioners, supporting two churches and all their various ministries. We serve those who are hungry: those hungry for food are fed, those hungry for community are nourished, those hungry for God’s presence in their lives are sustained by all our Eucharistic celebrations. We serve those who are in need: those in material need are supported, those in need of connections are welcomed, those in need of comfort are sustained in their grief and loss.

We give thanks that God has blessed us with so many people of faith, who put their faith in action in worship and service. We give thanks that God has blessed us with priests, who give of themselves for the people they serve, and give of themselves for the God that they serve. We give thanks that we are a Christ-centered parish; and that the presence of Christ we celebrate in Eucharist is lived out in so many ways by so many of our parishioners.

Take time this week to be thankful for your many blessings— your blessings of family, friends, and faith. Take time this week to thank God above all; the God who loves us so much that He lives among us still. Let Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, continue to touch your heart, heal your hurts, and lift your spirits so the truth of His enduring presence is evident among us each and every day.

May God Bless each of you with a holy, restful, and peace-filled Thanksgiving Day. 

