Father Donahue is pleased to announce the following appointments to the Precious Blood Parish Finance Council:
Anthony Cacciabaudo
Noel Dubois Louis Elmo William Farrell
Jack Jansen
Kevin Kozek
Guiliana Santiago
Al Tonry
These members will meet and advise the pastor on financial matters, and provide an annual report to the parish both in writing and in person at all the Masses on a weekend in February. Please pray for these members who will help us insure we are good stewards of your generosity to us.
130 young people are being Confirmed this Sunday afternoon, October 22, at 1:30 PM by Archbishop Blair. Please keep them in your prayers, and find hope that we are a parish with so many who are willing to affirm their Catholic faith as adults.
All Souls Day is approaching, and as is the Church tradition, we will remember your loved ones all through November. Some of you may have an envelope for All Souls Day in your packet, but if you do not have an All Souls envelope, they are available at the doors of the Church. These envelopes, with the names of your loved ones, will be bundled in ribbon and kept on the altar for all Masses in November, as our parish prays for them together.