I hope all of you are immersed in the season of Advent, and allow yourselves time for prayer and worship. Isn’t it nice that Church can be an oasis from the clutter and rush of the holiday season? Our faith helps us to focus on our watchful, waiting attitude, affording us a perspective so we can appreciate the coming, once again, of the Christ child to our lives, and the ever-present Christ, with us in those we meet, especially the struggling and the marginalized.
Watchful and waiting is not easy, as I can attest. For a number of months now, my doctors and I have been waiting and watching a medical condition, which we now agree requires a surgical solution. I would prefer that God just take care of this, but I’ll let the surgeon cooperate with God to bring about the solution. I will be having surgery on December 12, and will be out for six or seven weeks.
If you need to be in touch with me, the best way is email. I would most appreciate your prayers, even though I am usually on the other end of the asking for prayers. Thank you for allowing me to minister to so many of you, it does more for me than you can imagine. God bless you all.