Here at Precious Blood Parish, we continue our service to families in grief. Dozens of families have lost a loved one these past months, and as a community we pray for them, we pray for the one who has died, and we pray that God will send his healing to these grieving families.

One of the traditional ways we remember our beloved dead is to offer Masses for them. Since we have merged, there are some daily and weekend Masses available for this year and for 2018. If you wish a Mass for a friend or loved one, simply call the rectory and we will make the arrangements for it.

In Eucharist, Jesus offers Himself again for us. His sacrifice of His total self affords us the opportunity for eternal life. Please consider taking advantage of the opportunity for a Mass offered for the intention of your loved one.

All religious education classes have begun, but it is not too late to register for this year. Go to the parish website, and click on Religious Education, and you will be led to what you need.

We ask everyone’s continued prayers for the residents of Puerto Rico as they piece their lives back together. Catholic Relief Services would be a good choice to direct any donations for these people in need. We will apprise you of plans for a parish collection.

Beginning with the week of October 14/15, you can now make your checks payable to Precious Blood Parish. If you have already done this, your check will be deposited now. Thank you for your patience.

