Dear Friends,
By now, all registered parishioners should have received a letter from me asking your support of the 2017 Annual Collection. The proceeds of this collection are crucial as they are used to make improvements and repairs to facilities at both St. Agnes and St. Mary. The requested gift of $100 per family is quite modest, but if all contribute something, we can go a long way toward achieving the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of our beautiful facilities. I thank everyone for considering my request and please know that all gifts, in whatever amount, are most appreciated.
This Wednesday, November 8, at 7:30 PM at St. Mary’s Church we will be celebrating the annual Mass of Remembrance. During this Mass, the names of all who have died and were buried from both St. Mary’s and St. Agnes’ will be read. Family members will be invited to come forward and light a commemorative candle for their loved ones. A simple reception will follow the Mass in Fr. Cronin Hall. This annual celebration of remembrance is offered each year in the month of November on a date close to November 2, All Souls’ Day. All parishioners are invited to come and remember those who have gone before us in faith.
I must say a word regarding letters sent to me. I welcome all letters from parishioners, be they letters of praise or letters of criticism. While we try to do things well here at Precious Blood Parish, that does not mean that we are above criticism. Over the years of my priesthood, I have received a number of letters from parishioners that have offered some very good suggestions. I will say this, however. I will not read any letter that comes to me unsigned. The first thing I look for on opening a letter is the signature of the person who sent it. If the letter is unsigned, it is tossed into the wastebasket unread. If you have any critiques to offer by way of a letter, please be charitable and have the courage to sign it. I assure you that I can take criticism, but I have little time or patience to deal with letters sent to me by anyone who lacks the courage to stand behind what he or she has written.
Have a good week.