Dear Friends:

The celebration of Confirmation held last Sunday was a beautifully moving occasion, even if St. Mary’s Church was packed to capacity and then some. One hundred twenty-eight young people of the parish from both St. Mary’s and St. Agnes’ churches were confirmed by Archbishop Blair, as were eight adults. We congratulate them all and pray that the Spirit of God poured out on them in the Sacrament of Confirmation will strengthen them in their faith, help them to grow in their relationship with the Lord, and be effective witnesses to Christ and the Gospel, something sorely needed in our trying times.

This week we launch into the month of November, the month traditionally dedicated to prayer for all of the faithful departed. This Wednesday, November 1, is the Solemnity of All Saints and a holy day of obligation. Because of Halloween festivities, there will be no vigil Mass at either St. Mary or St. Agnes churches. There will be six Masses in all on the holy day itself. Four Masses will be offered at St. Mary’s: 7:00 and 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:00 PM. Two Masses will be offered at St. Agnes, one at 9:00 AM and the other at 12:10 PM.

Thursday, November 2, is officially called the day of Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, but more traditionally known as All Souls’ Day. On that day, we remember all of our loved ones, indeed all of those who have gone before us in faith and await the resurrection. A tradition in the Church is the use of All Souls’ envelopes. Many of you have them in your envelope packets, but for those who do not and wish to make use of one, they are available at the entrances of both churches. Write the names of those whom you wish specifically to be remembered in prayer, enclose whatever offering you wish and drop it in the mail or in any collection basket. These will be gathered and placed on the altar in both churches for the entire month of November and those whose names are listed there will be specially remembered at all Masses throughout the month.

Again, a gentle reminder that the Precious Blood Parish Corporation has now been legally established. When making offerings by check, please make the check out to Precious Blood Parish. We ask that, going forward, no checks be made payable to either St. Mary’s Church or St. Agnes’ Church. Have a wonderful week.

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