
Welcome Fr. Lijo Thomas!


At long last, we warmly welcome to our parish Fr. Lijo Thomas, who replaces Fr. Deny Varghese who left us in June to take up advanced theological studies in Rome. Fr. Lijo (pronounced LEE joe) is a young priest, just 31 years old. He is a native of India, coming from the same state, Kerala, as both Fr. Sam and Fr. Deny. He is well educated in philosophy and theology. He also holds a licentiate degree (S.T.L.) from the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. He was ordained as a priest on February 22, 2014 and has served in a number of positions in his own diocese in India, ranging from parochial vicar (associate pastor) to pastor. He also has served as a vice principal and as director of the Family Apostolate in his home diocese. As you can see, Fr. Lijo, even as young as he may be comes to us with a wealth of experience, and we look forward to his presence and ministry.



Precious Blood Parish Mothers Group

The moms used their last meeting to make a difference in the ways of kindness and SUDC (sudden unexpected deaths in childhood) awareness. The ladies and their children painted kindness rocks as an act of kindness in memory of #kissesforConor. Conor's family dedicates the month of November to passing it forward with small acts of love and kindness in honor of Conor. So if you happen to walk on the Walnut Beach Boardwalk and see one their painted rocks, please pick one up and pass on the kindness.



Announcement of Position Opening


Announcement of Position Opening

Father Aidan, our pastor, and the Saint Mary School Board, are beginning a search for the new principal for Saint Mary School, to be in place for July of 2020. Plans are underway to gather input from the various stakeholders; parents, teachers, staff, and alumni. Father Aidan and the search committee would welcome input from parishioners concerning the qualities and attributes that should be the strengths of our new principal. I have been tasked by Father Aidan and the search committee to compile this input and share it with them, all to help guide their search. If you have strong ideas about the principal who should lead our school, please forward them via email to, or send them in writing to the rectory.

If you are aware of a potential candidate for the position, you may have them contact Deacon John as well. Click the button below to link to the school website for application directions, and a brief job description detailing qualifications required.


Ladies Retreat


Ladies Retreat

Ladies Retreat to be held at

Mercy By The Sea Retreat & Conference Center in Madison, CT


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Please join women from our parish and across the area and take time for a day of prayer and recollection to focus on our personal spiritual journey.

Sister Eileen Dooling, Executive Director of Mercy By The Sea will facilitate the retreat entitled Now is Where God Lives. Visit for more information.

Registration is $45 per person which includes transportation & lunch. For more details and to make a reservation, please call Diane at 203-878-3363 or via email at

Reservation deadline is October 20th


Bereavement Support Group


Bereavement Support Group

Precious Blood Parish in Milford is offering a Bereavement Support Group that gathers together to help those coping with the loss of a loved one.

The 10-week fall/winter session begins on October 3rd. It will meet every Thursday from 1:00-3:00pm in the hall at St. Agnes Church (400 Merwin Avenue in Milford).

Whether your loss is recent or years ago, you are welcome.

To register call Ellen S. at (203) 283-1934 or Ellen R. at (203) 671-3414.



Mr. Lacerenza To Retire In June 2020


On behalf of Father Aidan Donahue and the St. Mary School Board, it is with deep gratitude that we announce the upcoming retirement of St. Mary School's Principal, Frank Lacerenza.  Mr. Lacerenza has served as Principal since 1991 and is set to begin retirement from Saint Mary School at the end of the new school year in June 2020. 

 Frank has been a constant in the school for 28 years and his resolve to never miss a meeting or school function is admirable.  He has spent his time at St. Mary leading the school by example as a Catholic educator.  With the support of his fine staff, Mr. Lacerenza leaves the school very strong academically, financially, and spiritually.

The search for a new Principal will begin immediately and we will seek the input of staff, parents, students and alumni to ensure that St. Mary School continues to flourish and respond to the times. 

Please join our school family, both past and present, and wish Frank and his wife Arlene all the best as they enter a new phase of their life's journey. 



New England Aquarium Trip

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On Saturday, June 22nd  a Precious Blood Parish Bus Trip will depart the St. Mary’s School Parking lot at 8:00 a.m. for the New England Aquarium at the Boston Harbor area.  A full day at the Aquarium, your own personal choice for lunch (Quincy Market or Boston’s famous North End only 10 minutes away).  We will depart Boston at 5 p.m. Motorcoach transportation and aquarium ticket is $90 per person.  Reservations must be made by June 10th.  For additional details or to purchase tickets call 203-878-3363. 



Seder Dinner


Come join us for our Lenten Passover Seder dinner on April 10, 2019 in Fr. Callahan Hall at 6:00 p.m.

Experience our Catholic faith through the Seder. Learn how Passover bridges our faith from our Jewish ancestors.

Limited number of tickets ($25) will be available at the rectory or call Darlene Lessard (203) 874-9076.



Lenten Dinner

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Sponsored by the St. Joseph Society on Friday, March 8th from 6:00 - 9:00 PM and held in Father Callahan Hall (400 Merwin Ave) details are as follows:

  • Menu: Broiled fish filet, New England Clam Chowder, Mac'n Cheese, Vegetable, Dessert and Coffee.

  • Tickets will be on sale in the parish office starting Feb. 25 and after weekend masses at St. Agnes starting Feb. 23.

  • Pre-sale tickets are $8 adults, $5 young adults (6-16), free for 5 and under. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 each.



Loaves and Fishes Dinner

Did you know that once a month a group from Precious Blood Parish in Milford serve hot meals to 50+ people in need? Their Loaves & Fishes Ministry serves out of Fr. Cronin Hall at St. Mary Church on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Do you like to cook? The group is looking for volunteers to prepare food AT HOME and drop off on the evening of the dinner. To learn more, contact Mary at or (203) 876-0278


Blessings of Animals


Blessings of Animals

The Annual Blessing of Animals will be held in conjunction with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on Saturday October 6th at 12:30pm! The blessing will be held on the St. Mary Church grounds in the back where the statue of St. Francis of Assisi is located. Please have dogs on leashes and cats and other animals in crates. St. Mary Church is located at 70 Gulf Street in Milford.



Rosary Coast to Coast

The Santa Maria Council of the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary's is spreading the word about "Rosary Coast to Coast". This is a nationwide initiative taking place on Sunday, October 7th, which is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  Across the country at 4pm the Rosary will be recited for the USA and and all Americans requesting the Intercession of Our Holy Mother at the great time of need.  They encourage everyone to put this on their calendar and participate if they can! 



2nd Annual Parish Picnic

Everyone from Precious Blood parish is welcome! There will be a lot of great food for everyone — catered by Lasse's Restaurant this year! We will serve hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, grilled boneless chicken, roasted veggies, potato salad, tossed salad, fresh fruit salad, watermelon, cake, coffee, water and soft drinks. And no party would be compete with a raffle!

Tickets are on sale at both churches after Masses this weekend and next (through 9/2) as well as in the parish and school offices! Adults $12/pp, Family of 4 (2 adults + 2 children) $25. Under 6 years old free and NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE GATE. See you there!


Important Announcement from the Archdiocese


Important Announcement from the Archdiocese

On behalf of Archbishop Blair, attached are two documents that are in process of being mailed to all 175,000 registered households in the Archdiocese of Hartford. He wanted you to have them in advance.  

The first is an updated, detailed letter from the Archbishop: a message about the challenges facing our church.

The second is a report from Kathleen Nowosadko, Archdiocesan Director of the Office of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance Coordinator. 

These will also be posted on


Deacon Bob Magnuson's Homily


Deacon Bob Magnuson's Homily

Stanley Rother was a young man from Oklahoma who became a priest; eventually serving as a missionary to the poorest of the poor in Guatemala.

In the late 1970’s, Guatemala became embroiled in a bloody Civil War. Priests and religious were being targeted.

Father Rother was urged to leave the country, but he could not abandon the people that he loved. He stayed and was eventually attacked inside the rectory and was murdered. A young man who was only 46yrs old.

Shortly before he was murdered, he wrote to his family explaining to them why he was staying behind.

“A shepherd does not run at the first sight of danger,” he wrote. “A good shepherd shows fidelity and courage to protect his flock.”

It is good for us to hear these words today; especially in light of the headlines of the last few weeks that have made something all too clear for us.

  • Too many of our shepherds ran.

  • They looked the other way.

  • They enabled sin.

Many people are outraged at the church. They feel angry. They feel betrayed. But there is something else they feel. They feel hunger.

  • They are hungry for justice and accountability for these victims.

  • They are hungry for an explanation of how this happened.

  • And we are all hungry for hope.

Within our despair, some have asked themselves “Why they should even remain Catholic.” It is a very good question.

I can only offer to you today my own answer to the question of “Why I am a Catholic” which is incomplete.

  • I am a Catholic because of Father Stanley Rother.

  • I am a Catholic because of Bishops like Archbishop Oscar Romero, who died while serving mass in El Salvador.

  • I am Catholic because of men like Father Jacques Hamel, the elderly french priest who was murdered by jihadists in his village church.

  • I am Catholic because of men like Father Walter Ciszek, who risked his life to say mass in a Soviet prison, with just a crumb of bread and a few drops of wine.

  • I am Catholic because of women like Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who heard her calling among the poor and did not turn away.

  • I am Catholic because of women like the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena. While serving in Iraq during the war, the sisters welcomed Muslims into their convent and provided them a place to pray; explaining, “we do not help them because they are Catholic, but because we are.”

  • I am Catholic because before me are beautiful parishioners; who are people of faith, courage and conviction.

  • I am a Catholic because you and so many others bear witness to the miracle of God’s love and mercy; and the greatest miracle of all, the Holy Eucharist. As an unworthy servant, I offer my hand to him at every mass to hold and to consume his living presence.

  • I am awed; I am humbled and I am totally unworthy, but by God’s grace I am transformed.

  • I am Catholic because i believe. I believe those words of the creed that we will profess together in just a few moments. Within the creed is our testament of faith that countless men, women and children have given their lives for. We acclaim this proudly in the Sacrament of Baptism: “This is our faith. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

  • I am Catholic because i believe that we can always be better than we are; and no Deacon, Priest, Bishop or Cardinal can ever take that away from us.

  • I am Catholic because I know that I am fallible and I struggle on my faith journey; but I know that I am not alone.

  • I am Catholic because the horrible sins of a few cannot erase the generous love of so many. It has been this way from day one, when Christ was executed between two thieves, those He loved abandoned, denied and betrayed Him.

  • I am Catholic because so many who love the Lord have neither abandoned nor betrayed Him.

Most shepherds within our church do not run at the first sight of danger and they are neither disloyal nor cowardly. They stay with us. They support us. They help us.

Pray with them.

Walk with them.

Hope with them.

Today, in a special way, pray for our pastor Father Donahue, Father Callahan, Father Sam and Father Denny who celebrate mass with us everyday. Pray that their priesthood will never lose heart.

Within our church, we are experiencing stressful times and things may get worse before they get better. But they will get better.

I am reminded of the beautiful Psalm, “The hand of the lord feeds us. He answers all of our needs.”

The one who fed the multitude on a hillside feeds us still, here and now. The God, who preserves even the smallest fragments and sees that nothing goes to waste, will nourish us in this time of need.

Please know that.

Please trust that.

Please believe that.

‘We are Catholic’ despite everything and because of everything.

“This is our faith. And we are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.”


Annual Summer Rosary Program


Annual Summer Rosary Program

The Legion of Mary again will sponsor a Summer Enrichment Program for children entering Kindergarten through Middle School, beginning Thursday, July 5th from 10:30AM until 12:30 in Father Cronin Hall. The aim of the program is to enrich the religious life of the youngest parishioners with grade-appropriate stories, songs, and crafts about Jesus and Mary. 

There is no fee. However, a donation to defray the cost of supplies would be greatly appreciation.

Vacation/absentee dates: July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16 and 23  

Any questions call Sharon DiNapoli, 799-8670. 

Pre-registration is strongly suggested due to the large enrollments of past years. Please use this form & circle any probable vacation dates so teachers can plan the appropriate number of crafts, and mail to:  Our Lady of Angels Praesidium, Precious Blood Parish,70 Gulf Street, Milford, CT 06460.


Lady Liberty has invited us to visit!


Lady Liberty has invited us to visit!

On Saturday June 16th our bus trip will begin with an early lunch at Ryan Maguire’s Irish Pub/Restaurant in NYC and then off to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty, followed by a few leisure hours at South Street Seaport. 

8:45 a.m - Bus will depart from St. Mary’s parking lot

8 p.m - Returning home to Milford

Bus transportation, ferry and admission to Ellis Island is $70 p/p. 

Lunch is based on a prix fix menu with choices (see below) available at a cost of $30 p/p. (early lunch reservation as we have a 1 p.m. reservation for the ferry to Ellis Island). 

Total cost is $100 p/p.  

Please call and make your reservation as soon as possible.   Deadline for reservations is firm & payment deadline is May 10. Details are available by calling Diane at (203) 878-3363.

Ryan Maguire’s Irish Pub/Restaurant

Tour Pre Fix Menu

Appetizer:  House Salad - Seasonal greens, tomato, cucumber, shredded carrots, balsamic vinaigrette

Entrée (choose ONE)

  • Fish & Chips with Coleslaw
  • Penne pasta with Artichokes & Sun-dried Tomatoes in a Garlic Wine Sauce (Gluten Free upon request)
  • Shepherd's Pie
  • Sautéed Chicken in Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce with Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables of the day 

Dessert:  Cheesecake

$30.00 per person includes tax and gratuity as well as soft drinks, tea and coffee. Any alcoholic drinks can be purchased separately. 


St. Agnes 15th Annual Golf Tournament


St. Agnes 15th Annual Golf Tournament

The ST. AGNES 15th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held on July 30th at Tradition Golf Club in Wallingford. $100 includes continental breakfast offered at 7am, greens fees, cart, prizes, lunch, a donation and $600 Hole-in-One Contest. Play 9 holes or fewer. A cash bar, and a raffle to support our charities will be held at lunch.

Make checks to St. Joseph’s Men’s Society and send with registration to Jerry Farina, 31 Bonsilene St, Milford 06460 and include name, address, phone & email.

Questions, call (203) 623-4461.
