Father Aidan, our pastor, and the Saint Mary School Board, are beginning a search for the new principal for Saint Mary School, to be in place for July of 2020. Plans are underway to gather input from the various stakeholders; parents, teachers, staff, and alumni. Father Aidan and the search committee would welcome input from parishioners concerning the qualities and attributes that should be the strengths of our new principal. I have been tasked by Father Aidan and the search committee to compile this input and share it with them, all to help guide their search. If you have strong ideas about the principal who should lead our school, please forward them via email to dcn.hoffman@aohct.org, or send them in writing to the rectory.

If you are aware of a potential candidate for the position, you may have them contact Deacon John as well. Click the button below to link to the school website for application directions, and a brief job description detailing qualifications required.
