Parish Mission - "iMercy: The Divine Hotspot"


Parish Mission - "iMercy: The Divine Hotspot"

Precious Blood Parish in Milford is hosting a Parish Mission entitled "iMercy: The Divine Hotspot" led by Father William Garrott OP.

Dates: May 14, 15, and 16

Time: 7pm

Location: St. Mary Church, 70 Gulf Street, Milford, CT

You are welcome to join us for this unique, grace-filled evangelical moment in the life of our parish led by Dominican Friars aiming to help us enter more deeply into the love of the Holy Trinity and experience God’s merciful touch. The praying of the Rosary will be offered for anyone who wishes to come 20 minutes early each evening.


Washington D. C. Trip


Washington D. C. Trip

Well here it is…..our first overnight trip as a group!!!! I am excited and hope we can make this happen. I absolutely must guarantee 42 travelers or 23 rooms or unfortunately the trip will be cancelled.

Hope you will be joining us!

Diane Candido


DATES: April 4, 2018 - April 6, 2018

COST & DUE DATES: $200 deposit per person must be made by February 6th and payment in full must be made by February 24th. If you are going to make deposit, please call me or email me so I can keep a daily running tally.

HOTEL: Crowne Plaza- Old Town Alexandria

  • $ 493.00 per person double
  • $ 466.00 per person triple
  • $ 446.00 per person

The rate includes:  

  • Motorcoach (does not include driver gratuity)
  • Hotel and Tax
  • 2 Breakfasts  
  • 1 Dinner   ( Nice restaurant in DC- TBD)
  • Half day and Night Tour
  • Arlington Cemetery Tour


Day 1 - Wednesday, April 4

  • 7:00am - Depart Milford (We will definitely be making quick rest stops!!!)
  • 1:30pm - Arrive Air and Space Museum
  • 3:30pm - Arlington Tour
  • 6:00pm - Check in to Hotel
  • 6:00pm -  Dinner in Alexandria
  • 8:30pm - End of Day              

Day 2 - Thursday, April 5

  • 6:30am to 8:15am - Breakfast
  • 8:30am - Depart Hotel
  • 9:00am to 12pm - Half day Sightseeing
  • 12:00pm - Lunch Break
  • Until 3:00pm - Smithsonian
  • 3:30 pm - Back to hotel
  • 4:30pm - Depart hotel for dinner (on own)
  • Pentagon City Mall or Ronald Reagan Building
  • 6:00pm - Meet guide for illumination tour

Day 3 - Friday, April 6

  • 6:30am to 9:30am - Breakfast
  • 10:00am - Depart Hotel 
  • 10:30am - 2:00pm - Smithsonian
  • 8:30pm - Arrive Home


Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy


Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy

Children's Christmas Eve Liturgy will be in the St. Mary School Gymnasium at 4:15 pm Mass. Sign up information has been sent to the students in the school and Religious Education program. The sign up form may be downloaded here. Hard copies are also in the basket outside the Rectory office.

Deadline is Tuesday, Dec. 12.

Dress Rehearsal - Friday, Dec. 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the school gym.

If interested, please return the form ASAP to St. Mary School or reply via email to

Questions? Call Ronnie Pendleton at (203) 874-8752; cell 203-610-2823



Lessons & Carols


Lessons & Carols

Lessons 2017 copy.jpg

Join the choirs and clergy of Precious Blood Parish, as we meditate on the meaning of the season though scripture and song.  This year, our Service of Lessons and Carols celebrates the Church’s long tradition of watching and waiting for the coming Messiah.  The Great ‘O’ Antiphons (which form the verses of the hymn, ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’) take us on a journey through Israel’s expectation of the coming of the Lord.  They each tell of a different side of the coming Messiah, helping us to find who Jesus is to us at this very moment, even as we await his coming.  When viewed as a whole, the first letter of each antiphon form an acrostic, spelling out the Latin phrase: “ERO CRAS,” which means, “Tomorrow, I am coming.”


Confirmation Photos


Confirmation Photos

Confirmation photos were taken by Robert Taylor photography and they are available for purchase from his website.

  1. Go to
  2. Go to "online order"
  3. Go to "events" - click on photo
  4. Go to galleries (small grey) - click on St. Mary Confirmation
  5. View Photos- select image number you would to order
  6. Place order with a credit card online - use image # of photo

Photos will be available to order 11/1/17.

Any questions call the studio at 203-377-0739 or email at


New Deacon in Milford


New Deacon in Milford

Precious Blood Parish, which serves St. Mary Church and St. Agnes Church in Milford, recently welcomed Deacon Paul Jennings to their parish family.  Deacon Paul hails from the Diocese of Bridgeport where he was ordained as a deacon in 2002. He has extensive professional experience particularly in the field of pastoral care for the sick. He has served as Director of Pastoral Care at both Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip, New York and at St. Vincent Medical Center in Bridgeport, and prior to that was Chaplain at Stamford and Norwalk Hospitals.


Oktoberfest Dinner


Oktoberfest Dinner

Tickets are now on sale for Precious Blood Parish's Oktoberfest celebration!  Come enjoy this Bavarian tradition of great beer, wonderful food & good friends. Tickets will be sold after all weekend masses on October 21st & 22nd at both St. Mary Church and St. Agnes Church, and NO tickets will be sold at the door. $20 per person includes complete traditional Oktoberfest buffet catered by Lasse’s. Be sure to get your tickets early as a limited number will be sold.  For more information email Diane at


Sing for the Season


Sing for the Season

Beginning Thursday, October 19, at 8pm Location: Choir Loft, St. Mary’s Church

Sing for the Season is an opportunity for those who can’t make a full-time commitment to singing in choir, but who would still like to give the gift of their time and talent. This seasonal group is geared specifically toward people with little or no choral experience. You do not need any special training or skill. If you are interested, all you need to bring is a willingness to learn as we prepare some of our favorite holiday music. The Sing-for-the-Season Festival Choir will perform on our Service of Lessons and Carols and will help to lead the music at the Christmas Vigil. We hope very much to see you on October 19 in the choir loft at St. Mary’s Church. We need you to help us make a joyful noise!

Begin Oct 19
Each Thursday, 8pm - 9pm

Lessons and Carols - December 10, 3pm
Christmas Eve Vigil - December 24, 10:30pm


Midnight Run


Midnight Run

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20). A great monthly ministry St. Agnes has done for years is the Midnight Run with the next one happening on Thursday, 8/31. The group meets at St. Agnes Church at 5:30 to organize & pack donations, and then at 7:00, they leave for New Haven to service our needy friends. All are welcome to join – either to organize and pack or to service in New Haven or both. Last month they served at 80+ needy friends. Even though there is a big push to end homelessness in New Haven, there are still many who are living outside or in tent communities or just need help. They may be housed but there may not be an actual bed to sleep in or warm home cooked food to eat. And sometimes, more importantly, a friendly face to share a few words and laughs with. In one of Father James Martin's, a Jesuit priest & author, presentations he talks about “Finding God in all things" and seeing “God in everyone.“ Those we serve may be struggling with addictions, mental illness or just an unfortunate set of circumstances but God is in each and every one of them and in each of our volunteers. This month we expect a big crowd and we rely on your donations to be able to feed all who come to us in need. We are looking for donations of: pasta, beans, hot dogs & buns, sauerkraut, condiments, sliced cold cuts like turkey and cheese, granola bars, anything chocolate or sweet! Always needed are: men’s white socks & t- shirts (L & XL, baby wipes, travel size toiletries, blankets, sheets, sleeping bags & Gatorade. There is strength in numbers, so if you would like to help in any capacity, please contact Sue at All donations can be left at St. Agnes near the parish hall. If you are unable to help this month, they will be back at it in September! For more info click below and scroll to Midnight Run. #pnpmilford #faithinaction


Bereavement Support Group


Bereavement Support Group

Precious Blood Parish offers a Bereavement Support Group that gathers to help those coping with the loss of a loved one. The 10 week program begins on Thursday, September 28th from 1:00-3:00pm in Fr. Cronin Hall at St. Mary Church, located at 70 Gulf Street in Milford. The group meets every Thursday until December 7th.  Anyone coping with the loss of a loved one, recently or years ago, is welcome.

To register please call Margaret at 203-874-2376 or Ellen at 203-283-1934.


The St. Joseph Men’s Society of St. Agnes Church's 14th Annual Golf Classic


The St. Joseph Men’s Society of St. Agnes Church's 14th Annual Golf Classic

The St. Joseph Men’s Society of St. Agnes Church recently held their 14th Annual Golf Classic held at the Tradition Golf Club in Wallingford, CT on July 31st 2017.  The money raised from this event will support their church and many charitable works.  Some of the benefactors include the Beth-El Center, Helping Hands Ministry to aid single mothers, parish activities, needy families and their Boy Scout Troop.  Mr. Robert L. Raynor is Chairman of the Golf Committee and has been for the past 9 years with the help of Lou Elmo and Richard Raynor.


Fr. William Garrott, O.P. of the Dominican Friars visits Precious Blood Parish


Fr. William Garrott, O.P. of the Dominican Friars visits Precious Blood Parish

Fr. William Garrott, O.P. of the Dominican Friars will visit Precious Blood Parish during all Masses at St. Mary Church on the weekend of August 19-20 as part of this year’s archdiocesan mission appeal. Fr. Garrott invites all parishioners to become spiritual partners with the Dominican friars who serve in the mission in East Africa. There, the Dominican Friars are engaged in the work of evangelization and faith development in a poor and underserved region where the Faith is very new. Their mission depends on the support of the faithful here at home. Your generosity is appreciated.


Thank you note from a 72 year old woman


Thank you note from a 72 year old woman

Pope Francis says "to know this God, who is love, we have to go up these steps of love for the other, of works of charity and of works of mercy that the Lord has taught us." We received a thank you note from a 72 year old woman I wanted to share.


Precious Blood Checks


Precious Blood Checks

Thank you for your continued support. As a reminder, please continue to make your checks payable to either St. Mary Church or St. Agnes Church. If you have made a check payable to "Precious Blood Parish", we are holding the check until the civil merger is complete in late September. If you have any questions, please call our office.


32nd Summer Rosary Program for Children

32nd Summer Rosary Program for Children

The Legion of Mary is sponsoring the Annual Rosary Program for boys and girls entering Kindergarten through Grade 6 beginning Thursday, July 6th to August 24th. The sessions are held every Thursday from 10:30AM until 12:30PM in Father Cronin Hall.

St. Mary Garden

St. Mary Garden

We are quite pleased with the initial planning and planting of our parish garden. We certainly would appreciate any help you would like to offer in its maintenance.