A great sailing ship was tossed about in a violent storm. The crew had to abandon the ship as it was breaking up. Retreating to a life boat, they survived, and drifted for days. Consumed by thirst for lack of fresh water, they were near despair. They awakened one day, in sight of land, and could call to those on the shore. “Water, they cried, we need water.” From the shore came the reply, “Dip your buckets in the water where you are, the water will save you.” They did not know that they had drifted into a fresh water cove, and were in the midst of the very nourishment they needed.

We are in the midst of the nourishment we need when we celebrate Eucharist together, and share in the body of the Risen Lord. Our challenge is to now make those choices that show we are Eucharistic people, doing the work of Christ. May His presence lead us to know we are where we need to be, and may we be led to go from here doing His work in all the ways that we can. We are blessed to be in a parish dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. If w can all pour out ourselves for one another, then we can model what Jesus has modeled for us. Come and be fed at the table of the Lord, and the go and share what we celebrate here with all the who need His presence. We are called to do this, we need to do this, we are doing what we are meant to do whenever we do this. God Bless you all.
