This weekend is Father’s Day. We celebrate all fathers, and the roles they play in our lives. We celebrate our own fathers, and are grateful for the difference they make and have made in who we are today. We celebrate the Fathers who serve us here in our parish, Father Aidan, Father Lijo, and Father Alen. We thank them for being such good fathers, ministering to us, and leading us closer to our heavenly Father.

We celebrate today all the fathers who have served us as priests in our church. We are all better people because of so many of these selfless men who have answered the call to ministry. We pray for all who may be discerning a call to ministry and may someday be called Father. We thank God, our Father for these gifts in our communities.

We pray today for those without fathers, for those who mourn the loss of their father, and we ask God, our Father to lead us all to know and appreciate the fathers in our lives. May God our Father bless us with all that is good, and lead us all to honor our fathers, biological and spiritual. May we all strive to live as children of the same Father, our one true God. God bless you all.
