Reflections and thoughts, Third Sunday of Lent

We are winding our way through Lent this year, and we should take time to assess how we are doing. Are we taking time to pray each day? Are we fasting from those things and behaviors that hold us back? Are we recognizing the poor among us, and responding to their needs? Let us take the last one first:

Here at Precious Blood Parish, our Ash Wednesday collection stands at $9,591.00 as of this writing. That means we as a community are contributing these “alms”, gifts for the poor, to the Beth El Shelter. This is a very good start to our alms-giving during this Lenten season.

Only you can assess how you are doing with your fasting. I try very hard to fast from hurtful words, and this leads me to pause and think before I speak. How often is our first response one that comes from our selfishness, our self-centeredness, and not one that reflects how we truly feel? We need to put love in our responses, and then Jesus is there in the response as well.

Let should be a time of increased prayer; of talking and listening to God. May each one of us have a heart open to what God is saying to us, and may each of us respond to that message from our loving God. Our response can only lead us to do what is good.

Next weekend, March 9 and 10, if you use the envelope system, there are three envelopes in the box. Regular, Monthly, and Catholic Relief Services. There will only be two collections, Regular and Monthly. Please put the envelope for Catholic Relief Services in either collection, there will not be three collections.
