Saint Brother Andre Bessette, a brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross, was the moving force behind the Saint Joseph Oratory in Montreal. Many miracles of healing are attributed to his intercession on behalf of many who came to him in need. Our parish is blessed to be hosting a relic of this Saint here in our parish on April 11, 2024. There will be exposition of the relic with a power point presentation on the life of Saint Andre Bessette at 6:30 PM, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 7:00 PM. At 7:30 PM there will be Mass, a Eucharistic Liturgy for the people of Precious Blood Parish, followed by veneration of the relic and blessing of the faithful with the oil of Saint Joseph.

Please make plans to join us for this special evening. This is a distinct honor for our parish. Anyone who attended Notre Dame High School in West Haven was taught by the same order of Brothers. You can visit this link to find out more about Saint Brother Andre Bessette:

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all!
