We often expect God to act in our lives. We ask God to fix the problem, to take away the hurt, to erase the pain. We neglect to see that our loving God, who chose to become one like us, knows our pain, knows our hurt, and walks with us in the pain, accompanies us in our hurt. Not taking it away, but making it graced because the struggle is filled with God’s presence. Our task is to be like God when confronted with troubles, and to walk with the person in their pain, their grief, their despair. Not to take away the pain, or grief, or despair, but to accompany them in the struggle, maybe even allowing God to work through us.

Jesus’ reply to us is that is dos not come that easily. “Whoever wishes to be great must become the servant, whoever wishes to be first must be the slave of all. And to give your life, like Jesus gives his life as the ransom for many. Which brings us to the homework for this week, for this fall season:

  1. Look for opportunities to find someone in their pain and hurt. Don’t look to fix their pain, don’t look to eliminate their hurt, but look for a chance to be with them in their struggle. Make a phone call, make a visit, make time to be with them. That is how to start.

  2. Allow someone to be present to you. Instead of retreating from the company of another, welcome them. Instead of insisting, “I can do this myself”, allow another to sit by your side. God wants to work in your life, allow him the room to do so.

  3. Appreciate the special people God has directed to your life. Late in life is the best time to make a new friend, those of us ancient of days know that true friends are all that matter, just maybe you have not met your best friend yet.

  4. Live like you really believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection has saved you. Live like you have been redeemed. Let the joy and peace of having a relationship with God show in your face, be evident in your posture, take hold of your heart. God and God alone can bring the peace that you seek, the love that you want, the joy that you desire.

God bless you all.
