We are inviting all who are presently serving as a reader, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, or ushers/collectors to stop in the sacristy and get a from to fill out, indicating which Mass they would like to serve at when the Mass schedule changes in January. A copy of the new Mass schedule appears below. We know this will involve change for many of you, and we will try and honor your choice of when to worship together.

As we get closer to January, we will have meetings of the various groups as necessary to coordinate the changes.

If any of you notice ushers counting the congregation during Mass, this is so we can report our October count, which assists us and the Archdiocese in planning for the future of parishes. Religious Education has begun and is off to a good start. If you child is in the middle school years, watch this space and the parish social media for announcements as to when programs will begin for this age group.

Congratulations to the Legion of Mary for organizing the “Living Rosary” on October 6. In beautiful weather, dozens of parishioners prayed the rosary together, and sang at the statue of Mary on the grounds of Saint Mary Church. Thanks to them for always being a prayerful presence in our parish.
