On this 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we must note that this year it falls on September 11. As 9/11 was 21 years ago, there are many among us who have no firsthand knowledge of the events of that day. It would be good for all of us to solemnly remember this day, the tragic loss of life, and join in prayer that nothing like this ever happens again.

Religious Education begins in October, and here is how we look so far. There will be classes on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, from 4:30 to 5:30 PM at the school. Second grade is the year preparing for First Reconciliation (confession), and third grade is preparing for First Communion. Classes are required for those who wish to receive their sacraments. First, fourth, and fifth grade will also meet on those two days, but these years are not required, but recommended.

Confirmation preparation begins for ninth and tenth graders in October as well. Tenth grade begins October 16, and ninth grade on October 23. They will meet in Saint Mary Church from 5:45 to 6:30 PM on those Sundays. Confirmation preparation is required for those who wish to be confirmed. Middle School programs for religious education will be announced in the future. If you have not received an email about classes beginning, please contact Tori Saxer at tsaxer@pbpmilford.org for details about how to sign up. Fees for all levels of religious education are as follows:

$90.00 for each child for the entire year. Any family with more than two children only pay for the first two children. Payment options are available in the email you will receive if you have registered in the past, or in the return email you will get from Tori Saxer.
