Last week in the bulletin, Father Aidan spoke about some reminders that would enhance the dignity and reverence of our worship together. I would like to follow up with some specific ideas for all of us to consider going forward.
First of all, perhaps you may consider taking on a more defined role when we gather for worship together. We are in need of lectors, those who do the introduction and the readings at Mass. We offer training and resources for those who might be interested. We would like to reintroduce the greeter ministry and will be looking for those who would like to serve as greeters before Masses. We will be bringing back altar servers and will be beginning training classes for new altar servers. We had begun classes right when COVID began and will start these classes anew.
The most important enhancement to our worship any of us can contribute is to be present. While COVID made worshiping together difficult, we need to recognize that it is in worshiping together that Christ becomes most present in our community. All of us have a responsibility to be part of this. If you would like to find out about being a lector, please contact Deacon John at If you
would like to serve as a greeter, contact Deacon John as well. If you are interested in your child becoming an altar server, watch this space for when training classes will begin in September.
Thank you for your generous response to the mission appeal for the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. It is gratifying to be part of such a generous parish. God bless you all.