This week we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension and the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Underlying each celebration is the idea and the truth that Jesus and His Father are one. The Ascension shows that Jesus is once again fully joined with His Father, and our completing the Easter season shows that not only are Jesus and His Father one, but they desire that each of us are to become one with them. This is kind of heady stuff, but we can make it simple if we wish.

How will each of us live out this truth, that we can be one with God? As Jesus says, “If you love me, you will follow my commandments. This past weekend, the scripture had Jesus express it this way, “I give you a new commandment, love one another.” The Acts of the Apostles spells out clearly that they will know we are Christ’s followers if we love one another. The line from the familiar hymn puts it this way, they will know we are Christians by our love. May the way we love one another, the way we forgive one another, the way we lift up one another mark us as those who are one with Jesus and the Father. One in heart, mind, and soul.

Thanks are due to the Saint Joseph Men’s Society members who are taking on the project of refurbishing the kneelers at Saint Agnes Church. Thanks to these men for their efforts. A special thanks to our maintenance and grounds staff led by Robert Lynch. All three church campuses and our cemetery look great, due to their diligence and efforts. If you see some of these men, please let them know of your thanks. God bless you all.
