As we are in the fifth week of the Easter season, we continue to celebrate with joy that Christ is risen. His presence with us continues, as was his promise to his disciples in the conclusion of the gospel of Matthew. “I will be with you until the end of the age.” His presence with us continues when we celebrate Eucharist together, his presence is with us in the blessed sacrament in our churches, his presence with us continues when two or more are gathered in his name.

As we notice the new life bursting forth around us in nature, may we be grateful for the new life renewed in each of us. May we find room in our hearts for the risen Lord, and may we bring his presence to all those we meet.

We are grateful this season for the many who celebrated their First Holy Communions. Over 80 children celebrated with family and friends, and we look forward to all of them developing a life of closeness with Christ, especially in frequent reception of communion when we celebrate together.

If you worship at Saint Agnes Church, you will have noticed that we have removed two sets of pews in the middle of the church. This is to provide more seating for the mobility challenged and make the reception of communion there easier for those who cannot walk distances well. We know many of our parishioners want to come each week to Mass, and we do not want their presence impeded by difficulty in getting around the church. On that note, we can provide homebound communion visits for those in that need. Just call the rectory office and ask for this. God bless you all.
