As we are now in the Lenten season, a short reflection on sacrifice seems appropriate. Those of us of a certain age know sacrifice better than others, as there have been times in our history when communal sacrifice was virtually mandated, if not by law, then by circumstances. Those who have lived through times of war and depression have a keen sense of sacrifice. This shared sacrifice always had the opportunity to open us up to the sacred, because our faith is based in the ultimate sacrifice of the one for all.
Lent offers the opportunity for personal and communal sacrifice, and time for us to reflect on how we follow the example of Christ in our own lives. We see this in the way our parish feeds the poor, reaches out to the mentally ill and those who suffer addiction, and especially those whose lives are touched by grief. We are grateful to be part of a community that appreciates the need to sacrifice for others.
This weekend, we will have heard from Archbishop Blair in the homily and have heard his request that we consider contributing to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is a concrete way that our sacrifice can impact others across our diocese in a positive way. We hope our reflection on all that the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal does helps to move us to continued generosity.
Here at Precious Blood Parish, we will begin to hear soon about another avenue where we will be asked to consider a sacrificial offering. The Hartford Bishops Foundation is a separate effort to insure the financial viability of the Archdiocese for years into the future. There will be a onetime effort to raise funds to be held as an endowment for future generations of Catholics. The churches we worship in today are the legacy of the Catholics of the past, and we will be asked to ensure that legacy continues by contributing a onetime gift to this foundation. Watch for more to come on this in the coming year.
May God bless us all and may we all continue to live lives that mirror the example of our Risen Lord Jesus. His sacrifice has graced us all now and forever.