As we approach the Lenten season, the gospel continues each week from the Sermon on the Mount. Last week we heard that we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. This message encourages, indeed, commands that we be outward looking, putting others’ needs before our own. Our constant challenge is to again and again commit ourselves to engaging in this outward push.
There is a myriad of ways to do this, but here are some suggestions for what you may want to consider:
First, when you pray, pray for the needs of others first, and place your own needs last. If blessings come to others, is that not a blessing for us?
Second, when you are giving to a worthwhile cause, occasionally make your gift sacrificial, not merely convenient. Yes, this is asking a lot. True sacrifice is the model we are called to follow.
Third, make a list of all the bad habits you can give up this year for Lent. If you are not sure what to include, ask your spouse, or child, or parent what it is you should be giving up, they will be more than happy to let you know.
Fourth, pick one of the bad habits from number three, and actually give it up for Lent.
Finally, be salt yourself, and add flavor and taste to life around you. Be light yourself and illumine the dark corners and brighten the lives of those you are with. Jesus does not say we should try to be salt and light, he says we are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. Put yourself into the stew of this world and make a difference. Be the light that can lead others to the one true light, Jesus Christ. The way we live, the way we love, is the best and surest way that we can be the path for others to find Christ. May all of us at Precious Blood be the salt and light for each other, and all who live in our community of Milford.