Our country can well use Isidore’s spirit of combining learning and holiness. Loving, understanding knowledge can heal and bring a broken people back together, We are not barbarians like the invaders of Isidore’s Spain. But people swamped by riches and overwhelmed by scientific and technological advances can lose much of their understanding love for one another. So vast was his knowledge that some moderns have proposed him as the patron of Internet users.
Because we are fed, we must feed others. Next weekend, April 6 and 7, is the collection weekend for the Deacon John Rigely Food Pantry. Please refer to the insert in this bulletin for how you can participate.
Each week, in fact daily, we celebrate Eucharist here in our parish. As we are nourished by the body of the Risen Lord, so are we called to feed others. Our Food Pantry feeds 60+ families each month, every month, and we offer shelter to those in crisis situations. As Christ feeds us at each Mass, we must answer the call to be His hands and His heart, and work to feed others as well.
Your monetary gift will allow us to purchase fresh food for these families. We are some of these families’ only source of bread, eggs, milk, meats, and fresh vegetables. Help us to keep these families healthy and fed by your Lenten generosity. If you would like to do more, please email or call Deacon John and someone from the Good Pantry will contact you.
May your Lenten alms giving include helping to feed those among us here in Milford who are hungry. This is the more we are called to do. Because we are fed, we must feed others. God bless you all.