he past weekend’s gospel from Luke says “Woe to those who are rich.” While we may not consider ourselves rich, we do have the problems of the wealthy. Might I suggest a remedy that may be helpful to some of us?

If you are of a qualifying age, that is age 70 and a half, and you have an IRA, you know you must take minimum distributions each year. You can mitigate your tax liability if you directly contribute from the IRA to a charitable organization. For further information, try this link, https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/irs/ articles/2017-12-04/how-to-donate-your-required-minimum-distribution-to-charity, or ask your financial professional for advice. Why not make your generosity easier and habitual? Ask me if you need a copy of the article. If you need this past year’s tax information, please call so we can prepare a statement for you to pick up.

During Lent, there is an added Mass at 12:05PM each weekday, Monday through Friday, at St. Mary Church. Many of these Masses, as well as some 7:00AM and 9:00AM Masses are available during Lent, if you wish to remember a loved one. Just call the rectory, or stop by Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM to 7:00PM, or Friday from 9:00AM until 2:00PM. A comprehensive schedule for Lent and Holy Week is being mailed to all registered parishioners, and should arrive before Lent begins. Watch for it. If you do not receive one by March 6, please let us know so we can correct our mailing list to include you.

If you are a married couple who was married outside the Church, (by a Justice of the Peace, etc.), and you would like to inquire about having your marriage convalidated, that is recognized as sacramental by the Church, please contact Deacon John for further information. Couples each year find this a good way to keep their marriage and their family grounded in the faith.

There will be Stations of the Cross each Friday evening in Lent at 7:30PM at St. Agnes Church. This will be included in the mailer mentioned above. Lent is the best time to consider an opportunity for the sacrament of Reconciliation, maybe this is the year your old habit becomes new again. Just a thought. God Bless.

