Do you know someone who was Baptized, made their First Communion, but was never Confirmed? Some of you in our parish may be in this situation. When asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation you are presented with the dilemma that you must decline. Precious Blood Parish is offering a course for just this circumstance. Adults who have been Baptized and wish to be Confirmed should sign up with Deacon John at, or by calling 203-878-3571. Classes are scheduled for Monday evenings, September 10, 17, 24, and October 1 at 7:00 PM in the rectory. Father Donahue and Deacon John will teach the classes. Confirmation in the Fall would follow.
As soon as we know the date for Confirmation in the Fall, we will inform all those registered with us via email. If your son or daughter will be in Eleventh Grade this Fall, that is the time for their Confirmation. You can check with Tori Saxer, at to see if they are registered.
The parish wide picnic is being planned for September 9 on the campus of Saint Agnes Church. This affords us using the Saint Agnes Hall as well, in the event of inclement weather, or if some parishioners need indoor seating to accommodate their needs. The next meeting of the picnic committee will be Wednesday, July 18, at 7:00 PM in the rectory basement at Saint Mary Church. Mark your calendar early and join us from 1-4 PM on September 9.
Remember to watch for the Archdiocesan Synod listening session which will be held later in the summer. All parishioners will be invited to give their input on what the Archdiocese is doing well, and what areas could be improved. More specific information will come over the next several weeks.