We recently finished the first mission of Precious Blood Parish, and all who were able to attend one or more of the evenings were very positive in their response. Father William Garrott, O.P., and Brother Justin and Brother Frassati went beyond expectations in presenting music and a spiritual message that was uplifting and challenging. In addition to the three evenings, Father Bill celebrated the 9:00 AM Mass at Saint Agnes, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and heard confessions after each Mass. Each evening presentation ended around 8:00 PM, but confessions each evening went till around 10:00 PM. Certainly there was a call to repentance that was heard and answered by so many.

Brother Justin and Brother Frassati visited our school children on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They sang, played the guitar, and answered so many questions, (and really liked playing dodgeball). Our children sang for them, as well, and the brothers were impressed with the spiritual knowledge and prayerful attitude of our school children. The children were of course fascinated by what the brothers wore, their full Dominican Habit.

We are especially grateful to all who took time out of their busy lives to be part of this mission, especially those who braved the Tuesday storm and still were present. Tuesday and Wednesday had nearly 400 persons attend, and Monday was over 500. A credit to so many of you that you place such a high value on your own spiritual health. Many were able to purchase CD’s of the brother’s music and Father Bill’s talks, and all the proceeds go to support the Dominican Seminarians, of which they have 70 this year.

We will certainly plan another mission in the future, thanks again to all who supported this effort.

