Dear Friends,

On this Father’s Day, we salute, pray for and ask the blessing of God on all fathers, those men who are such an important part of the lives of their children, acting as guides, mentors and protectors. The role of fathers in the lives of their children is of great importance, and the absence of fathers often causes very negative effects, some of longlasting significance. On this day, I remember my own Dad, now deceased almost thirteen years, who was very much a part of my life and that of my five brothers and sisters. There is scarcely a day that goes by on which I do not think of him, and I pray for him daily that God may give him peace and rest. I also look forward to the day, in God’s own time, when I will see him and my mother again. I hope that many of you share similar sentiments about your own parents. If you are still fortunate to have one or both of them, take the opportunity regularly to keep in touch with them, assist them in their needs, and let them know how much you love them and appreciate all that they have done for you.

This is the time of year for commencements and graduations. We congratulate all who have completed their studies at the collegiate level and all who recently graduated from high schools in the area. We also congratulate the St. Mary School Class of 2021, who received their diplomas on June 4. We wish them every success in their high school years.

Yesterday, June 19, saw the last two of a total of four First Communion Masses celebrated this month for children in Grade 2 at St. Mary School and Grade 3 in public schools. We congratulate the children, almost one hundred in all, who received the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time this spring. May they come to the Lord’s table frequently throughout their lives to receive the spiritual strength and sustenance they will need to remain faithful in the trying and challenging times in which we live.

Finally, next Sunday, June 27, after the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Agnes there will be a reception to honor Deacon Nicholas Genovese on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his ordination as a deacon. I personally congratulate him on this important ministerial milestone, and in my own name, as well as in the name of the parish, I thank him for all of the very good work he does for the people of our parish. May God bless him with good health and many more years of happy service in our parish. We also congratulate and thank his wife, Barbara, and his family who have supported him all along the way.

Have a good week!
