Dear Friends:
Last weekend in my homily, I focused on the words of Mary spoken to the waiters at the wedding in Cana: “Do whatever he tells you.” I asked just what it is that Jesus tells us to do and I gave a listing of those things, a listing that is exhaustive in no way, but substantial enough. For the benefit of those who were not there, and in response to a number of requests from those who heard the homily, I now give you that list:
Seek peace. Be a person that promotes harmony in your relationships with others.
Be a light for others. Put your good deeds, your way of life, out there for all to see. Spread positivity.
Be a person of prayer. Make time and space each day to spend time with God in prayer. Practice silent prayer. Seek to connect with God and to know God better and what God wants of you and for you.
Forgive others. Life is too short to bear endless grudges which eat us up emotionally and sap us spiritually. Forgive, and if it is difficult, ask God for the help you need. You cannot expect God to forgive you if you are unwilling to forgive those who hurt or offend you.
Seek God’s Kingdom above all else. Put God at the center of your life and things will begin to fall into place in ways that may surprise you.
Love your neighbor. Treat others in the way you want to be treated, everyone without exception.
Humble yourself. Think of others more than of yourself. Listen to what others say and be open to other points of view. Do not think you know everything or have all the answers. You don’t. Don’t think that you are perfect or better than others. You probably are not.
Exalt others. Try to think the best of others, especially those whom you do not like or with whom you do not agree. Putting others down does no good and it diminishes you as well. Kindness and compassion go a long way.
Serve the least. Don’t ever overlook or, even worse, ignore those in need. Whatever we do for them, we do to Jesus himself. Our salvation may well hinge on this.
Go and make disciples. Live in such a way that others will know that you believe in Jesus. Help others to find that same hope and purpose in life that you have discovered through your faith in Christ.
Love one another. This is the fundamental, bottom-line commandment. If we do this, Jesus says that all will recognize us as his disciples. Break down any walls or barriers that might keep us from connecting in love with others.
Trust in God. God has made promises, and God keeps his promises. He has promised to be with us through everything, good and bad, thick or thin, until the end of the ages. Rely on God’s power and guidance in all the challenges of life. It’s there for the asking.
I would add one addition to the list, that being Take sin seriously, repent, and try to root it out of your life. The very first words Jesus spoke beginning his public ministry were a proclamation and a call. He proclaimed that the Kingdom of God is at hand. He called people to repentance as a fitting response to the presence of the Kingdom.
Have a good week!