Dear Friends:

You may already have received, or soon will receive in the mail a letter from me requesting your support of the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. The theme of this year’s appeal, as we heard in the video two weeks ago, is taken from the words of Jesus spoken at the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper: “DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.”

Since the earliest times of the Church’s history, those words of Jesus have been carried out faithfully. Daily, across the globe, in many languages and cultural contexts, the Eucharist is celebrated and the Church is fed, not with mere bread and wine, but with the Body and Blood of the Lord himself. The Eucharist is our sustenance and the source of strength in our daily efforts to live out the Gospel message Jesus preached.

The words “DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME” can be understood in a broader context than just celebrating the Eucharist. Everything that the Church does, all the various ministries that the Church sponsors, carries out, and supports are connected to what Jesus said and did when he lived among us centuries ago. The Church in these various ministries, and in the support that it gives to charity both inside the Church and outside, continues the work of Jesus in the world of today. Our efforts to educate the young, to care for the sick, to assist those in need in any way, all of these are done in memory of Jesus and, more than that, bring the presence of Jesus into the world here and now.

I ask everyone in our parish to consider making a gift or a pledge to the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Consider your financial circumstances and make a sacrificial gift to help the Church in the Archdiocese of Hartford to help those in need. Last year, you, the people of the parish donated just over $146,000 to the Appeal. Our goal this year, when the need is even greater, is $160,000. I have made a pledge and I encourage you to do so as well. Last year, about fourteen percent of parish households gave to the Appeal. I am sure that we can do better than that this year.

In speaking of charitable outreach, the proceeds of the Ash Wednesday collection this year were just a tad shy of $10,000. A check in that amount will be sent to the Beth-El Shelter this week.

Finally, many of you are aware that I have a new dog. His name is Moose and he comes to me from North Carolina via the good people at the Animal Clinic of Milford. He is a beagle and we think between two and five years old. He is a real “love-bug.” He likes people and is good with children. So, do not be afraid to say hello to Moose when you see him.

Have a good week!
