Dear Friends:

During the month of October, as is the custom, we undertook what is known as the “October Count.” During all the weekend Masses, the ushers went down the aisles of both churches and took a count of Mass attendance. We also estimate the number of parishioners who receive Communion. The results are reported to the Archdiocese, and this year we are required to submit an updated seating capacity for each church. I estimate that each of our churches can accommodate 600 people comfortably. This data will be used by the Archdiocese as well as ourselves to gauge the number of Masses needed each weekend. No changes should be expected as we are reducing already from eight Masses to six starting in January.

The results of this year’s October Count indicate that our average weekend attendance for the parish as a whole stands at 1559 people, with three quarters of those attending Mass doing so at St. Mary’s Church. The average weekend Mass attendance for St. Mary’s stands at 1127, whereas the attendance for St. Agnes stands at 432. This is not surprising given the size of St. Mary’s Parish prior to the merger in 2017. St. Mary’s on its own was one of the largest parishes in the Archdiocese, and even now as a merged parish, we are, I am told, the fifth largest in the Archdiocese of Hartford.

While I, as most pastors are, remain concerned about the numbers of parishioners who come to Mass regularly, I will not sound the alarm just yet. With a revised and reduced Mass schedule coming in January, I would expect that the numbers attending each Mass will increase and bring our attendance close to the 50% threshold which the Archdiocese wants to see. That number will be about 300 people per Mass. It behooves everyone to encourage people they know who used to come to Mass to return to doing so, and not just for statistical purposes. Regular participation at Mass and receiving the Eucharist are an essential, base-line necessity for anyone who claims to be Catholic. All that is needed often is a personal invitation from us. Please consider doing so.

Our Annual Collection is doing very well. After just a few weeks, the gifts we have received amount to $35,000, half of our goal. The projects designated for funding in this year’s Annual Collection are worthy ones. I have been told that we have one of the most beautiful and best maintained parish plants in the Archdiocese. All of us can be justly proud of that, and I add a word of thanks to Rob Lynch and the maintenance staff for the excellent work they do on a continual basis. If you have not made a gift to the Annual Collection yet, please consider doing so.
