Dear Friends,

Now that we are at the mid-point of November, it is time to turn our attention to Christmas, just six weeks or so away. This year, we have one less priest available to us and this will have an impact by necessity on the usual Christmas schedule. Taking into account the attendance at Christmas Masses in both churches last year also is of great help in shaping a schedule that will supply sufficient opportunities for you to come to Mass while not overly taxing the priests.

That being said, Christmas this year falls on a Sunday. We will not be using the regular Sunday schedule Christmas weekend, but will instead use the typical Christmas schedule that we have had but with some changes. The schedule will be as follows:


The usual confession schedule of an hour on Saturdays and an hour on Mondays will be in effect through Advent but we will offer two additional hours of confessions on Christmas Eve morning from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at St. Agnes.


Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM at St. Mary’s
(No 4:15 PM in the school gym and no 6:00 PM Mass at St. Mary’s)
4:00 PM and 6:00 PM at St. Agnes’
(No 10:00 PM Mass at St. Agnes’).

Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25
8:30 AM and 10:30 AM at St. Mary’s
10:00 AM at St. Agnes’

As of this writing, the status of the Christmas Pageant, which normally was part of the 4:15 PM Mass in the school gym, has not been determined. We will announce something when a decision has been made. The schedule for the New Year’s weekend, New Year’s also falling on Sunday, will be the typical Sunday
schedule but with no 4:30 PM Mass Sunday afternoon, January 1, at St. Mary’s. Please post this on your refrigerator or wherever you keep such things by way of reminder.

Have a good week!
