Dear Friends:

For the past several weekends, you may have noticed the ushers going up the side aisles, watching and clicking. This is part of an annual ritual in the Archdiocese of Hartford known as the “October Count.” It is the annual counting of the number of people who attend Mass in every parish as well as the number of those receiving Communion. This is important as one, but hardly the only, dimension of what makes for a healthy parish. Our parish remains one of the larger parishes in the Archdiocese, with the average weekly Mass attendance standing between 1800 and 2000 people in all, and with over 4000 families registered as belonging to the parish. We are not quite where we were before the pandemic but we are within range. What all of us can do is to encourage anyone we know who still is afraid to return to church to do so. Gathering with others who share a common faith in Christ, hearing the word of God proclaimed and preached, and receiving the Eucharist are indispensable for Catholics. There is no need to be afraid. Invite them to come back, and if they must, they may wear a mask.

While our Mass attendance has not quite returned to pre-pandemic numbers, our parish finances are in very good shape. The current, year-to-date numbers are encouraging. We are now at parish support levels that
were the case in the year 2018, before the pandemic. I want to thank all of you for your generous, ongoing support of the parish. Know that we are being vigilant and careful in managing parish finances. In light of that, and given the strains on all of our checkbooks due to the current poor state of the economy, with rising costs for fuel and food, I have decided to dispense this year with the Annual Collection. This is a small gesture, but I hope a meaningful one, expressing our appreciation for all that you have contributed thus far this year.

The month of November is fast-approaching. It is the month when we make a special effort to remember our loved ones taken from us in death. The annual Mass for the Deceased will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Church on the evening of All Souls’ Day, November 2, at 7:30 PM. All are invited, with a special invitation to those who have lost loved ones in the past year. As a further means of remembering the deceased, in your envelope packets you will find one for All Souls’ Day. You are invited to record the names of those you wish to remember, enclose an offering of your choice, and place it in the basket on any Sunday. Those envelopes will be collected and half of them will be placed on the altar of each of our churches and those whose names are recorded will be remembered in a special way throughout the month of November. If you do not receive envelopes or have misplaced yours, envelopes for All Souls’ remembrances are available at the doors of both churches.

The 2022 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is nearing its conclusion. Our parish has been generous in its support of the Appeal. If you have not made a gift or pledge, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. All funds gained through the Appeal support not only the offices and agencies of the Archdiocese, but also a sizeable number of local charities throughout the Archdiocese, including a number here in Milford.

Have a good week!
