Dear Friends,

Included in this week’s bulletin is an important insert which I encourage all of you to read with care. The insert details the financial state of the parish for 2018. A reading of this report will indicate several things.

First of all, we are all members of a very large and complex parish community. Our parish hosts a wide variety of ministries for the benefit not only of the people of the parish but also people outside of the parish. All of this requires adequate funding, and I am pleased to note with deep gratitude that you once again have risen to the challenge. Your support of Precious Blood Parish during the past year has been generous, even exceptional. I thank all who have contributed from their means to help us keep our parish both alive with vigor and financially sound.

A second point to note is that, looking forward, we face some challenges. Costs are increasing for us, as they are for you. A significant cost increase is to be seen in the provision of benefits to the full-time employees of the parish. Health care and retirement costs are rising, and we have to be able to meet those expenses.

Thirdly, our parish plant, now consisting of two parish complexes, is aging and in need of constant upkeep and repairs. This, too, costs money as we seek to repair parish facilities and replace things as needed. As we do that, we try our best to look for savings through the purchase and installation of more energy efficient items. To that end, I would ask that, if at all possible from within your means, that you consider a small increase in your weekly offertory contribution. If everyone would consider donating an additional five dollars per week, the result would go a long way toward helping us meet our financial obligations. If you cannot contribute that much more, an increase of even two or three dollars more per week would be most appreciated. In any event, please know that I am aware of the sacrifices you make on behalf of the parish and that I deeply appreciate your generosity.

I am pleased to announce that Diane and Tony Candido have been selected to receive the St. Joseph Archdiocesan Medal of Appreciation. They will receive the medal from Archbishop Blair at a ceremony next Sunday, March 31, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. On behalf of our parish, I congratulate them both and thank them for all that they do for us.

