Dear Friends:
As we bring our observance of Advent to a swift conclusion with this Fourth Sunday of Advent also coinciding with Christmas Eve, all of us at Precious Blood Parish wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with health and much happiness. Please note that the parish office closed at 12:00 Noon on Friday and will reopen Wednesday, December 27, at 9:00 AM.
For purposes of convenience, I list here the schedule of Christmas Masses at both churches:
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 [CHRISTMAS EVE] Christmas Vigil Masses
4:00 PM at St. Mary and at St. Agnes
4:15 PM in the St. Mary School Gym [with Pageant]
6:00 PM at St. Mary
Christmas Night Masses
10:00 PM at St. Mary and at St. Agnes Christmas Day Masses
8:30 AM and 10:30 AM at St. Mary
10:00 AM at St. Agnes.
One final note: the Annual Collection is now winding down. The response has been excellent and I thank those who have contributed. If you would like to make a contribution, please do so before December 31 if you would like it included in your contribution statement for income tax purposes.