Summer Stories

A man was walking along (perhaps staring at his cellphone) and fell into a hole. The hole was deep, and he was unable to climb out. He was trapped. He cried out for help. A wealthy man walked by, noticed him, stopped by the hole, and threw down some money. “Buy yourself a ladder”, he said. As this was of no help, the man continues to cry out for help. A local man, very active in his church, came by. He noticed the man in the hole, stopped and offered a prayer. But still the man was trapped in the hole. One of the man’s friends came by, saw his friend trapped in the hole, and immediately jumped in with him. “Now look at what you’ve done”, the trapped man said, “We are now both stuck in this hole.” His friend smiled and replied, “We will both be fine. I have been down this deep hole before, and I know the way out.”

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who chose to become human like us, knows the human condition, and how we often end up in a deep hole. He is the way out; relying on Jesus is the way for each one of us to find our way out. If you are struggling, or know someone who is, remind yourself or them that Jesus showed each of us the way......He is in fact the way, and the truth, and the life. Let Jesus, who knows us better than we know ourselves, be the one we follow, be the one we rely on, be the one we turn to in all things. May his healing presence be the source of what we need each day. God bless you all.
