Are you connected? Vacation is a time to re-connect to what matters, family, friends, oneself. But most of all, to God. When you see the smile of a grandchild, and you see clearly that familiar smile of their parent, you know that love is at work. When you marvel at the sunrise or sunset that you miss most days, you know that love is at work. When you feel like you are rested for the first time in a while, then you know that love is at work. Scripture tells us clearly that God is love.

Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, feeds us with His presence. We gather at His table to be fed, we gather at His table, and He is present. Let all those you encounter know you see Him in their smile, let all those you meet know you meet Him in their struggles. Carry the Lord Jesus with you from the table where you are fed and bring His presence to all you meet. Invite them by your attitude and actions to join at this table, and celebrate that He is with us, continues to be with us, and will always be with us.

May God’s blessings be with you and may the respite of summer be the reconnection you may need. God is there in the quiet, in the stillness, but especially with you in the mess of life.
