As we all continue to navigate COVID 19, here are the plans for this coming school year in Religious Education:

Confirmation for those in grade 11 (juniors) will be held on November 3, 2021, at 7:00 PM at Saint Mary Church. This is a large class, so guests other than the sponsor will be limited. Those in this class will get further instructions directly.

Those preparing for First Reconciliation (grade 2) and First Communion (grade 3) will meet in small classes, in person, on either Monday or Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 PM. We will limit the classes in size for safety. Emails will go out to these classes for how to sign up. Classes will begin in October.

Those preparing for Confirmation, grade 10, will meet in person, once a month, beginning in October. Watch for a survey of preference for a day and time, but most likely it will be Sunday afternoon or evening.

Other classes will not be meeting at this time, this will be reevaluated during the Fall, and may be added in the Spring depending on circumstances.

While this is a significant change, we hope you can all be patient, as we have to be, until we can return to a more complete schedule of classes.
