We are now at the last week the Bred of Life discourse from John’s Gospel. We can reflect on what we do because we are Eucharistic people, fed by the bread of life.

Our food pantry feeds the hungry, because we have been fed ourselves.

Our Helping hands ministry provides clothes and other essentials to those in need in their first year of life, because we have had our essential needs met in Eucharist.

Our Parish School touches the lives of so many children, who are taught to “live the message of Jesus”, because we can share in the life of Jesus in Eucharist.

Our parish reaches out to the families of those who have died, of those who are sick, and meets them in their hurt and pain, because our hurts and pains have been healed in Eucharist.

Go forth from here today, and live like you have been fed. Live like you have been forgiven.

Live like you have been loved.

Don’t react in anger when insulted, react in the love you have been given.

Don’t exclude someone from your group, include them as you have been included.

Don’t make your needs the center of attention, focus on the other’s needs, the needs of the

poor, the sick, those without hope, as Jesus does in His gift of Eucharist.

Don’t focus on what is insignificant, focus on what is essential. Jesus focuses on us and our hearts, let Him into your heart today.

When you arrive next week, or after, see your self, made new and whole, healed and refreshed by the power of Jesus Christ in His gift of Himself. Be the transformed person God has called you to be.
