Some reminders of things sacramental:
The sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is scheduled here in our parish twice a week. Monday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at Saint Mary, and Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at Saint Agnes. One can always call for an appointment for confession.
The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and Dying includes the opportunity for confession if the person is awake and alert. If someone in your family is diagnosed with a serious illness, or hospitalized, it is better to call the parish sooner to arrange for this sacrament. Waiting until the moment of death runs the risk that no priest is available immediately. Anointing of the Sick and Dying can be received more than once, but if someone has been recently anointed (within the last two or three months) there is no need to be anointed again right before death.
For those seeking to be married in the church, please contact us at least six months in advance. Once you meet with the pastor, and are determined to be free to marry, then we can book a date. If you are civilly married (justice of the peace, etc.) and want to have your marriage convalidated (recognized as a sacramental in the church) please contact the parish and set up an appointment to see if this is possible. Most times it is and can bring a couple closer to their faith.
For those wishing to become Catholic, or who want to be confirmed as an adult, please contact Deacon John for information on upcoming programs in the Fall.