Father, We praise You for the opportunity to be fathers. You craft each life with importance. Every one equally loved by You, our faithful and loving Father. We know that You have a purpose for each and every life; and praise You that we get to be a part of that purpose.

God, there is a reason You tell us to have faith like that of a child. They are bursting with curiosity and full of love. Protect their innocence and preserve the spark in their eyes from the darkness of the world. Let them be little lights to their parents and teachers. Allow them to grow and have a fair opportunity to learn.

Father, we confess our worry and our fear to You today. You tell us not to worry, but it is so hard not to cry when we think of what other parents have had to suffer. Comfort their hearts in a special way.

Bless our children and keep them safe from physical harm. Protect them from abuse and addiction. Guard their hearts from evil, and protect their minds from things that are not appropriate for their eyes to see and their ears to hear. Bless them with hearts of compassion.

Godly friends are important, and we pray today that You bless our children with those friends. May their friendships be innocent and light, and may they be filled with kindness, understanding, and compassionate consideration for one another.

Help all fathers to be models of the Father that you are to each one of us.
