As we are now along in this Easter Season, some thanks are in order. Thanks to all who decorated our churches for the season. The glory of the resurrection was well reflected in your decorating efforts. Thanks to all who read at Masses, served in other ways, and a special thanks to the ushers who do an often thankless job.
We are most grateful for the beautiful music for the Triduum celebration, beginning with Tenebrae on Wednesday of Holy Week, The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday, The Service of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, and the Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday. All the musicians and guest musicians did a wonderful job, and enhanced our worship so we could better celebrate the Easter Joy of the Resurrection.
A gentle reminder that the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is winding down for this year. If you have not yet made your contribution, please consider doing so soon. As a parish, we are close to meeting our goal. The Appeal supports our Deacon John Rigely Food Pantry and the Beth El Center here locally.
As we move through this Easter season, may we walk together, supporting one another, celebrating the joy of the Resurrection each day.